What are Quinquennial Inspection Reports?
Under the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955, as amended by the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991, all consecrated buildings of the Church of England must by law be inspected once in every five years by a registered architect or chartered building surveyor (the ‘Quinquennial Inspector’ or QI) who is approved by the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC). Most other denominations and many secular organisations which are responsible for historic buildings now adopt a similar approach to inspections.
Here we summarise ChurchCare’s guide on selecting a QI;
- The professional should be suitably qualified and ‘whose training, accreditation and experience in buildings conservation corresponds with the complexity and significance of the church building’
- If your church is listed (Grade 1 or 2) or classified by the Church Buildings Council as a Major Church, the QI should have demonstrable experience of work with buildings of that listing grade
- The person should take time to understand the needs and vision of the parish
- Any potential QI should be invited to visit the church and meet members of the PCC or fabric sub-committee before appointment
- Inviting 3 candidates to review is good procurement practice
- You should check the value of the QI’s professional indemnity insurance (bearing in mind that £250,000 for each claim is a good minimum)
- Check the QI’s report format covers the repair of the building, maintenance, sustainability, safety of the structure, unsafe floors and access
- Where issues are identified check these will be graded according to the urgency of the repair:
A – Urgent, requiring immediate attention
B – Requires attention within 12 months
C – Requires attention within the next 18 – 24 months
D – Requires attention within the quinquennial period
E – A desirable improvement with no timescale
M – routine items of maintenance
If you are approaching the deadline for your Quinquennial Inspection Report and would like us to provide the above details and a quote, please complete the Quick Contact form below and one of our RICS Surveyors will be in touch.
If you would like to read more about our Quinquennial Inspection Reports please visit chawtonhill.com/quinquennial-inspection-reports.