Terms of Engagement for Building Surveys
1. The Service
This service is delivered in accordance with the Home survey standard (1st edition) RICS professional statement and is equivalent to level 3. In addition, this service has the following particular features: Reinstatement Cost Assessment for insurance purposes if selected at the time of booking. Any extra service you and the company agree in writing before the inspection will require separate terms of engagement to be entered into with the company. Examples of extra services include:
• Plan drawing
• Schedule of works
• Re-inspection
• Detailed specific issue reports
• Market valuation and re-instatement cost
• Negotiation
Your Solicitor should;
• obtain a copy of the current Energy Performance Certificate
• confirm whether vendors are aware of any insurance claims, if the property or neighbouring properties have been affected by Japanese Knotweed, whether the property has been flooded, ownership of all of the boundaries and if there are any neighbourly disputes including those relating to rights of way and boundaries
This service includes a Budget Cost Estimate for any recommended maintenance or remedial works. The cost shown are for budgetary purposes only and are based on the Surveyor’s knowledge of current market rates for similar works. You should obtain formal quotations from appropriate organisations prior to legal commitment.
The service does not include an asbestos inspection and it falls outside The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
2. The Surveyor
The service is to be provided by an AssocRICS, MRICS or FRICS member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, who has the skills, knowledge and experience to survey and report on the property.
Chawton Hill confirm that a referral payment has been or may be made, either individually or part of a third-party commercial relationship.
As an RICS Regulated Firm, our files may be subject to monitoring and will need to be provided to RICS upon request.
3. Before the Inspection
This period forms an important part of the relationship between you and the company. The commissioned surveyor will use reasonable endeavours to contact you regarding your particular concerns about the property and explain (where necessary) the extent and/or limitations of the inspection and report. The surveyor also carries out a desk-top study to understand the property better.
4. Terms of Payment
You agree to pay the survey fee and any other charges agreed in writing within 7 days of receipt of the completed Building Survey report.
5. Cancelling this Contract
You are entitled to cancel this contract by giving notice to the surveyor’s office 72 hours before the time of the survey. The company does not provide the service (and reports this to you as soon as possible) if, after arriving at the property, the surveyor decides that:
a) He or she lacks enough specialist knowledge of the method of construction used to build the property; or
b) It would be in your best interests to have an RICS HomeBuyer Report or an RICS Condition Report, rather than the RICS Building Survey.
If you cancel this contract 72 hours before the time of the survey, the company will refund any money you have paid for the service, except for any reasonable expenses. If the company cancels this contract, they will explain the reason to you.
6. Liability
The report is provided for your use, and the company cannot accept responsibility if it is used, or relied upon, by anyone else.
Complaints Handling Procedure
The company has an RICS-compliant complaints handling procedure and will provide you with a copy if you ask.
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Regulated By RICS
Chawton Hill Associates Ltd are regulated by RICS and can be found in their Directory via this link Chawton Hill on the RICS Site
Get In Touch
Chawton Hill Chartered Surveyors,
Wesley House
Bull Hill
Leatherhead KT22 7AH
Email: info@chawtonhill.com
+44 (0) 1372 360 663