01372 360 663 info@chawtonhill.com

As with all our building projects, consultation with local residents, end users and key stakeholders so they can provide their views and feedback on a proposal, is always a central part in refining the final project.

We’ve carried out numerous events, whether to gather feedback from local residents on a school extension or end users’ thoughts on a multi-million pound New Build.

In each case we aim to follow a set of key principles;

Clear and Concise – e.g. the use of plain English and avoiding acronyms. Being clear what questions we need to ask and avoiding lengthy documents.

Consultations Purpose – what feedback are we looking to gather.

Consultation Information – provide enough information to ensure that those consulted understand the issues and can give informed responses.

Proportionate Consultation – too long will unnecessarily delay a project whilst consulting too quickly will not give enough time for consideration and will reduce the quality of responses.

Targeted Consultation– e.g. who is affected by the project? Who may have an influence on the final decision? Who knows about the subject matter? Who has an interest in the project?

Approved before publication – collective agreement before publishing a written consultation, how the feedback has informed the project and how many responses have been received.

If you have a building project and would like our help in engaging your end-users or stakeholders as part of our project management service, then please get in touch.