01372 360 663 info@chawtonhill.com

Trust Experience

A fire or flood is a very traumatic time for a property owner. Fortunately the Qualified Chartered Surveyors at Chawton Hill are experts in Flood, Fire insurance claims. Their insurance related advice is regulated by RICS, supported by our ISO 9001:2008 certification and trusted through years of experience.

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Each commission is treated with the utmost sensitivity and discretion. We understand that in times of disaster it is important to work effectively and efficiently, minimising the stress experienced by our clients during these difficult circumstances, so as to achieve the very best outcome for them by;

  • Assessing the extent of the damage and arranging for any necessary temporary protection or support
  • Preparing a brief report to outline the nature of the works and the proposed remedial works
  • Meeting and agreeing the scope of the necessary repair works with the Loss Adjuster appointed by a client’s Insurance Company
  • Preparing a detailed specification of works and submitting it for competitive tender to suitable builders
  • Submitting the tender results to the loss adjusters, agreeing the contract sum and the contractor to be appointed
  • Administering the building contract checking on work standards, progress, and negotiating the contractor’s final account
  • Arranging for the provision of interim payments to the contractor with the loss adjusters
  • Submitting and agreeing the final details of the insurance claim with loss adjusters, including any consequential losses

We are highly experienced negotiators and are able to call upon the services of Flood, Fire and Disaster Contractors who can carry out immediate repairs, safety works and drying out premises in Surrey, London and the South East.  We always recommend tendering works to achieve value for money and to carefully assess the exact nature of a problem by understanding the construction of a building before we consider a final solution.

Caltite concrete floor drying

Caltite concrete floor drying

Relative humidity plotting of Caltite concrete floor drying

Relative humidity plotting of Caltite concrete floor drying

Caltite concrete floor drying finishing

Caltite concrete floor drying finishing

It was this very experience that enabled us to assess a difficult project where a floor in a Specialist Eye Hospital near East Grinstead had been flooded causing widespread damage to the building fabric and to sensitive laser equipment.  We established that the floor slab was in fact constructed as waterproof Caltite cement with insulation laid over. Other specialist firms had attempted to dry the floor using localised dehumidification with limited success.  We proposed a controlled atmosphere solution with core drilling through the screed and air drying of the insulation beneath.  The drilling was carried out with precision to avoid damage of the Caltite concrete slab and warm air was blown through the insulation and removed, and with it, the residual sub floor moisture.  The floor took four weeks to successfully dry and was probe tested regularly in points around the building to ensure that the moisture content was reduced to acceptable levels before the removal of the latex screed and re-flooring could take place

For further information on how we can help with a fire or flood insurance claim please contact us.