The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) open a CIF funding bidding round every year under which qualifying academies, multi-academy trusts and sixth form colleges can apply for capital funding.
ESFA announced recently that they will be providing an additional £182m for Condition Improvement Funding 2020 to 2021 projects. This will fund a further 580 projects at 548 academies, sixth-form colleges and voluntary aided schools. This sort of funding makes it vital that all academies & colleges submit at least one or two bids each year.
As we highlighted in this post, How to write successful CIF Bids it is important to prepare as early as possible. Gather that all-important evidence right from the outset, such as commissioning a Condition Report.
CIF bid writing
What are the other factors that have helped us secure critical funding for many local academies & sixth form colleges?
Understanding which projects are successful is the first step and we can confirm the highest priority is always given to the following:
- Health and safety or safeguarding issues
- Emergency asbestos removal
- Fire safety works
- Leaking roofs, cladding and windows
- Heating and hot water systems
Secondly, a CIF funding application stands a better chance of approval if the applicant makes a contribution. This can include a loan contribution, or a SALIX funded element. Those extra few contribution marks can make all the difference.
Compelling Evidence
Finally, gather compelling evidence.
If you can independently justify the funding need there is a much better chance of being successful. That is why we initially mentioned early preparation, as all these reports take time to commission.
For example:
- Building condition reports
- Contractor’s prices
- Programmes of work
- Options appraisals
- Annotated photographs
- SALIX energy savings calculators
- Reports of breakdowns and leaks etc.
For further help or information on CIF funding applications, please see our Education Experience. Or email us at to discuss how we can provide free of charge assistance in preparing successful CIF bids.