The Project Chawton Hill were recently called upon by South West London Pathology to conduct incoming schedule of...
Schedule of Condition Articles
Schedule of Condition
A Schedule of Condition (or SoC) is a factual record of the condition of a property. As part of our Professional...
Condition Survey for schools 2019
The summer holidays are just over nine weeks away. But there is still plenty of time to book an up-to-date education...
A Schedule of Condition
A schedule of condition (or SOC) is a factual record of the condition of a property. We usually prepare these for...
A Schedule Of Condition Post Acquisition?
The Project Chawton Hill were recently called upon by South West London Pathology to conduct incoming schedule of...
Schedule of Condition
A Schedule of Condition (or SoC) is a factual record of the condition of a property. As part of our Professional...
Condition Survey for schools 2019
The summer holidays are just over nine weeks away. But there is still plenty of time to book an up-to-date education...
Iconic landmark Condition Survey
Following our recent Condition Survey at Cherkley Court in Leatherhead, we were asked to carry out another at the...