01372 360 663 info@chawtonhill.com

Landlord Services Articles

A Schedule Of Condition Post Acquisition?

The Project Chawton Hill were recently called upon by South West London Pathology to conduct incoming schedule of conditions at sites across London and Surrey. The organisation is an award-winning NHS pathology partnership between several NHS trusts. It provides a...

Should You Consider Reinstatement Cost Assessments?

Reinstatement Cost Assessments (RCS) may be a requirement of an insurer. Often, they take place as a matter of routine and good practice. This is a service Chawton Hill have been offering to clients for many years. We carry them out for schools, commercial properties,...

Block Management

Chawton Hill have been providing Block Management services since 2001. We can support your management needs on all types of residential, commercial and industrial properties. For example, our experience includes listed buildings, new builds, conversions, and heritage...

Schedule of Condition

A Schedule of Condition (or SoC) is a factual record of the condition of a property. As part of our Professional Services, Chawton Hill prepare Schedules of Condition for both residential and commercial buildings. A well-written Schedule of Condition is a detailed...