01372 360 663 info@chawtonhill.com

A schedule of condition (or SOC) is a factual record of the condition of a property. We usually prepare these for legal reasons or to lend ‘status’ to a lease agreement. As part of our Professional Services, Chawton Hill prepare Schedules of condition for both residential and commercial buildings.

A well-written schedule of condition is a detailed record of the condition of the property on a particular date. This provides a benchmark to assess any future changes to the property.

As our surveyors are both independent and experts in assessing property conditions, a Chawton Hill schedule of condition has the greatest weight should there be a claim or the need to negotiate a property lease.


For commercial or residential property leases, a schedule of condition is often required before the start of a new lease. This is referred to as an Incoming Schedule of Condition.

As well as identifying any existing defects, it can also be used to establish responsibility for dilapidations and reinstatement, towards the end of a lease.


A schedule of condition can be prepared before the start of a construction project which involves adjacent properties, retained buildings or refurbishments.

There are two key advantages in preparing an SOC in these circumstances:

  • Firstly existing issues may only be spotted by a neighbour once work commences.
  • Secondly, the report can help establish a building contractor’s liability for damage to the employer’s properties.

Party Walls

For both commercial and residential properties, a schedule of condition can be prepared where the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 applies. This provides independent evidence of the condition of the neighbouring building before works beginning. The party wall surveyors can then undertake a re-inspection of the building and determine whether any damage has occurred and also what repairs should be carried out.

Whilst we treat each building as a separate project, our schedules of condition usually include the following sections:

  • The purpose of the schedule.
  • Details of the location and extent of the property being assessed.
  • A general description of the construction of the property.
  • The time, date and weather conditions under which the inspection was made.
  • Aspects of the property included in or excluded from the assessment.
  • The purposes for which the schedule may be relied on.
  • Drawings of the property.
  • Definitions (for example, ‘slight’, ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’).
  • A written schedule setting out the location and nature of each item inspected (inside and out) and its condition and any other remarks. This will describe the overall condition and may identify existing issues, such as cracks, staining, holes, decay, discolouration, leaks and other defects, disrepair or deterioration.
  • Accompanying photographs and video.
  • Specific tests that may have been carried out.